Live Streams can be viewed from anywhere in the world, meaning you can reach an international audience with one show, or arrange a virtual international tour with access by city, country or region.

5 ticketing features to help you tour internationally

There are 5 key features that can help you make that happen, and all of them exist on our ticketing platform Universe.

  1. Display information in multiple languages
  2. Allow sales using multiple currencies
  3. Display the local time zone: The right timezone for the user will show on the event page, confirmation and ticket
  4. Allow international marketing: Ticketmaster is in multiple markets all over the world including the US that the local expertise and marketing power to sell your tickets
  5. Promote the event to ur International affiliate network exposing your event to millions

International Marketing in Numbers

90% Brand Awareness

75 Million unique visitors each month

7 Million annual blog visits

150 Million on our marketable database